The following, sent to all councillors and the complainants earlier, needs no introduction:
I am sorry to have to email you all again but I am not giving up on this. I am also now copying in Cllr David O’Neill in his capacity as political leader of Cosla.
I wanted to give Cllr Walsh the maximum time to reply but he hasn’t done so. I thought it only fair to ask everyone involved so on 31 October I emailed the 4 complainants and Cllrs Walsh, E Morton and Scoullar. I asked them the following:
I asked Cllr Walsh a series of questions which he has declined to answer. You have all seen the list sent on 26 October. Do any of you wish to offer a response to any of these questions please?
The normally loquacious Cllr Scoullar said:
No thank you
Mrs Milne replied saying, among other things:
Dealing with the list of 16 questions set out in your email of 26th October at 19.51 hours, these were addressed specifically to the Leader of the Council and it is entirely a matter for him whether he replies to any or all of them. It would not be appropriate for officers to become involved in this matter by expressing views on what are, in essence, political questions.
These are not political questions at all in my view but that clearly was the view of Mrs Milne and perhaps others. Nobody else replied at all.
The problem for Cllrs Walsh, Scoullar and E Morton and at least some of the 4 complainants is that they all know something that I have known since October 2014. When Cllrs Walsh, E Morton and Scoullar sent in their nasty and vindictive complaint dated 3 October 2014 it was clear from the complaint that they had had the assistance of officers in compiling it.
Why did none of the 7 reply to say this? This, after all, was what I was asking for in some of the questions below. Instead, we have had no proper responses.
Having given them all the chance to reply, I can now confirm that these 3 councillors had the assistance of at least some of the complainants in the 2nd complaint in order for them to be able to submit the 1st complaint. Here are some extracts from that 1st complaint that confirm this:
This demonstrates collusion/cooperation/involvement between officers and councillors in the 1st complaint so is someone now going to come clean and reply to all the questions? My advice to all concerned in both complaints is to think very hard about this over the weekend.
The smoking gun is the 4 – but there are quite a lot of different bullets in the gun still to be FIRED the sooner the better.
Slam Dunk !
Mr Walsh represents the electorate and gets paid by the tax payer, so answering is what he is paid for. He thought he could get rid of you and he just hasn’t been able to make the master plan work.
Pippa has been offered a chance to comment and should do so because she is paid loads of money to act ONLY in the public interest. She took up a ridiculous complaint and wasted tax payer’s money.
The sad thing is there is not a single concern about service users. The worst part, by far, is the school bullying, involving Cleland Sneddon which is totally disgusting and deserves much more public focus. When is he going to explain what was going on with a police investigation?