Last night we got the statement Mr Sneddon read out at last Thursday’s council meeting. I am currently taking advice on this. I have also asked him for some clarification on points within it. At this stage I am making no comment but there are aspects of it I am very unhappy with. Here it… Continue reading Statement by Mr Sneddon
Month: November 2016
Council Meeting 26/11/16
I have witnessed lots of poor behaviour at council meetings but Thursday past topped the lot. Item 15 on the agenda was the report from the Standards Commissioners about the complaint made against me by the senior officers, Sneddon, Loudon (now CEO with Cosla), Hendry and Milne. I had asked Mr Sneddon to have some… Continue reading Council Meeting 26/11/16
I have today issued the following to all councillors and the press. You won’t be suprised to know that the 7 complainants have still not replied the questions asked of them. No more needs to be said I think: Statement by Councillor Michael Breslin On 26 October 2016 the Standards Commission for Scotland issued… Continue reading Statement
Cllr Ellen Morton
It’s rare that I put out two posts in the same day, but today was extraordinary even by the fruitcake standards of some of our councillors. This requires no explanation and was sent to the same group as shown in the earlier post. I didn’t expect to be coming back to everyone so soon. I… Continue reading Cllr Ellen Morton
Proof !
I have long known that the 2 complaints against me were the result of elected members and officers colluding with each other to silence me or even force me out of the council. Their silence to my list of questions meant I had to produce the evidence I have held bit by bit. Here was… Continue reading Proof !
The Silence Continues
The list of questions continues to be ignored. Heads are in the sand and there is clearly a belief that by ignoring the questions they will eventually go away. They won’t. Here is today’s email on the subject: From: Breslin, Michael Sent: 08 November 2016 09:45 To: Freeman, George; #All Councillors Cc: Sneddon, Cleland; Hendry,… Continue reading The Silence Continues
The Smoking Gun
The following, sent to all councillors and the complainants earlier, needs no introduction: I am sorry to have to email you all again but I am not giving up on this. I am also now copying in Cllr David O’Neill in his capacity as political leader of Cosla. I wanted to give Cllr Walsh the… Continue reading The Smoking Gun
Heads in the Sand
Further enquiries have been made by The National newspaper about the complaints against me. Both the council and Cosla now seem to be in head in the sand mode. I have pasted below what I emailed to the councillors and complainants this morning, complete with the link to today’s National. To compound the Cosla position,… Continue reading Heads in the Sand
Typical Walsh Reply
Cllr Walsh replied to the questions put to him, see here and here. Of course, as usual, he didn’t actually reply; he just gave his usual flannel. His response was as follows and it was only to me: I refer to your recent communication copied to me and would respond as follows:- From your communication… Continue reading Typical Walsh Reply