Walsh the Silent

Since sending the list of questions to Cllr Walsh the other evening, he has been silent. This tactic is a well used one in Argyll & Bute and one Cllr Walsh is a master of. Earlier today he had received the list of demands that are now part of an on line petition, see link below. The list of demands went to Cllr David O’Neill of Cosla and Kevin Stewart MSP, minister for local government.

I sent Cllr Walsh the following this evening.

From: Breslin, Michael
Sent: 28 October 2016 17:21
To: Freeman, George; #All Councillors
Cc: Sneddon, Cleland; Hendry, Douglas; Milne, Pippa; sally.loudon@cosla.gov.uk; gordon@argyllmedia.co.uk; editor@obantimes.co.uk; editor@helensburghadvertiser.co.uk; Campbeltown Courier (Editorial) (editor@campbeltowncourier.co.uk); news@buteman.com; lesley@feistyproductions.co.uk; mghannan@btopenworld.com; Russell MW (Michael), MSP (Michael.Russell.msp@parliament.scot)
Subject: RE: Councillor Mike Breslin hails victory in landmark free speech case [NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED]

As it’s after 5, I guess that the silence from Cllr Walsh suggests he isn’t going to reply. This, of course, is a classic Argyll & Bute Council reaction.

Let me explain what I and many others think:

  • That I have asked so many questions about issues that are sensitive to some people, there was and probably still is a wish to see the back of me.
  • That the 2 complaints against me were connected.
  • That the 2 complaints were coordinated by a group of officers and a group of elected members in order to silence me or force me out of the council. This may or may not be the case but it does look that way.

At the moment, we have no proof of this conspiracy but that is why a number of people have today written to Kevin Stewart MSP, minister for local government, asking for the setting up of an enquiry into this affair. This follows on from similar calls from elsewhere.

The petition can be read at the link below and, of course, signed by those who support an independent enquiry.




  1. Signed and shared Michael..

    What Walsh seems not to know is that when you wrongly accuse someone for being on the wrong side of a controversy –kangeroo court; where lots of people have been affected it just makes the public not dumb and indifferent for a change — but very informed with every dam detail. The sooner they all leave Argyll the better.

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