Complaint against me The Standards Commissioner intends to proceed to a public hearing on the 2nd complaint against me, the details of which I cannot make public. Despite asking for it to be in Dunoon, on the basis that this would attract more public interest, they have decided on Kilmory on 20, 21 and 22… Continue reading Update on Argyll & Bute Council
Month: July 2016
More for Audit Scotland
In my last post I told you about what was, in effect, the council sticking two fingers up at Audit Scotland by removing more powers from the area committees. Last year they started that process by taking the responsibility for piers and harbours away from area committees. There are some advantages in having a single… Continue reading More for Audit Scotland
Council blatantly ignores Audit Scotland
At last week’s meeting of Dunoon Community Council I made mention of the decision at the June council meeting that took further powers away from the area committees. This step towards further centralisation and loss of democratic control was, for me, directly against much of what Audit Scotland said in their December 15 report on… Continue reading Council blatantly ignores Audit Scotland
First post in a long while
I apologise for having been very quiet in recent months. Much time has been spent fighting the complaint made against me by 4 senior council officers. I know that council officers monitor this blog so the last thing I want to do is give anyone the slightest excuse to submit another complaint. I am still… Continue reading First post in a long while