How Argyll & Bute Works: The ASN cuts

Cllr Donald Kelly has told the Dunoon Observer that the 40% cuts proposed to the staff delivering an additional support needs service to children were always going to be withdrawn. If he is correct, and I think he is, this is the most cynical abuse of position by Cllr Walsh and his tawdry administration. To propose something as dramatic as this with the intention of looking like the good guy when you withdraw the proposal is appalling.

One of the parents quoted in the paper, Duncan McGillivray, said that this is “…both immoral and disgraceful.” Quite.

The article in the Dunoon Observer can be found here:

Perhaps the worst aspect of this is that the ASN cuts are a smokescreen to enable the rest of the cuts to go through quietly once the ASN ones are removed.

There are alternatives and some of them can be found here and here. Meanwhile, there were 2 exempt items on the agenda for the policy and resources committee on Thursday past that I can’t say much about. What I can say is that, together, they have cost this council an eye watering 7 figure sum. There will be a little more on this to follow once I consider what I can and cannot say without breaking the councillors’ code of conduct.


      1. If action was taken again you, this would cause enormous adverse publicity for the council, Would this not be the best thing to happen, since the dreadful activities of the council would be revealed perhaps to the national media!

  1. If all of this is true, it seems to me that the council is in a crisis situation whereby it is unable to be led by current incumbents and thus leadership reigns need to be taken over in an emergency situation whilst current incumbents are scrutinised for unethical behaviour.

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