The official opposition to Cllr Walsh and his group is the SNP Group. There are 4 other councillors who are not in Cllr Walsh’s administration: myself, Vivien Dance, Bruce Marshall and Neil McIntyre. There has been no approach to any of the 4 from the SNP as far as I am aware but there have been approaches to the SNP Group. However, nothing has as yet happened that would form a wider opposition to the secretive Cllr Walsh.
A week ago on Friday Vivien, Bruce and myself agreed to form what we have called the Reform Group. We have also formed a wider Reform Alliance. The alliance is there to allow councillors who broadly subscribe to our aims to remain in the group he or she is in as well as being a member of the alliance. Councillors are not allowed to be in more than one group at a time, hence the need for an alliance.
The aims of our Reform Group are shown below. I will update you on the shenanigans at yesterday’s council meeting on Monday.
The Reform Group has one key aim: To initiate a thorough reform of Argyll & Bute Council to ensure it works for, and is answerable to, the people of Argyll & Bute.
The group recognises that it needs to attract as much support as possible from elected members and it has also created a Reform Alliance which has the same key aim. The Alliance will work to achieve this aim by:
- Moving decision making to local areas to the maximum possible extent.
- Ensuring that councillors are accountable to their communities for decisions made.
- Maximising the skills and abilities of councillors of all views provided they wish to contribute to reform.
- Listening and responding to the views of local communities.
- Minimising bureaucracy to bring democracy back to people in a simple and straightforward manner.
The Alliance:
- Is open to any elected member, including members of political parties, provided there is a broad commitment to reform.
- Will seek to get agreement in as consensual manner as possible. Disagreement on issues will be respected and not shunned.
- Will ensure that all issues that affect the citizens of Argyll & Bute are dealt with as openly and fairly as possible. The use of exempt items for council business will only be used when absolutely essential.
- Will be swift and open in dealing with complaints, be willing to accept fault where fault is found and it will learn from any complaints made.
Why don’t you ask for support from the local population? A separate public group could be formed which links to your Reform Group. It might be called something like Reform Argyll and Bute Council now. I would be happy to become involved. I believe this creation could be mutually beneficial. Let me know what you think. I am happy to meet with you and explore the idea further. I am a member of the Strachur branch of the SNP but my idea would be non-party political.
Dave Dewar 01369 840404 mob 07765573240 ________________________________________