Cllr Bruce Marshall and myself have submitted a serious complaint against 3 senior council officers following the report to the council’s Performance Review and Scrutiny committee last week. That report was written by the independent chair of that committee, Mr Ian Ross.
His report can be read at: SUPPLEMENTARY PACK 1 FOR PERFORMANCE REVIEW AND SCRUTINY COMMITTEE Thursday 27-Aug-2015 10 00 Per
This report demonstrates that selective information was provided to councillors by officers. Cllr Marshall and I believe that what is in this report was both interesting and damning but there was far more to this. Our complaint focusses on other aspects of the whole community buyout issue and how we believe it was badly mishandled.
We think that to avoid giving a further opportunity for officers to complain about us to the Ethics and Standards Commissioner for publicly criticising officers, it is wise at this stage to not make public the full complaint. However, part of it is a statement from Mr Alan Stewart and Mr Paul Adams of South Cowal Community Development Company which they have already put in the public domain. That statement is available at the link below. Make of this what you will.
Statement From P Adams and A Stewart
We are insisting that our complaint is handled externally by some independent and impartial 3rd party. We have also asked that we are party to any agreement on who handles our complaint.