How Argyll & Bute works: Castle Toward and the saga of the area committee

In a number of previous posts, I have referred to the fact that the area committee was bypassed when the Castle Toward estate sale was being considered. The most recent post on this is here. It’s worth reading the link in the above post to the correspondence to see what I was told about a… Continue reading How Argyll & Bute works: Castle Toward and the saga of the area committee

How Argyll & Bute works: Castle Toward: Michael Russell’s questions and more

Some of you may have seen Michael Russell’s list of 10 questions to the chief executive of the council. In case you didn’t, here they are: The questions asked by Mr Russell are as follows: 1) When did the prospective purchasers first approach the Council ? 2) What discussions did the Council have with the… Continue reading How Argyll & Bute works: Castle Toward: Michael Russell’s questions and more