Your views on the council and its budget process

I have had 107 responses to the survey but the free version of Survey Monkey only lets you see responses to the first 100 results. So, for the moment, the survey is closed but here are the results:

2 people said they were completely satisfied with the way things were being handled. These may well have been the same 2 who didn’t give their names or email IDs so I can’t follow up to find out why they are satisfied.

74 people said they were not satisfied at all.

22 gave other answers and some of these are shown below.

I am not at all happy with everything I am currently learning about how the council is operating. Thank you so much for speaking out!

This process will effect families. It will potentially reduce a family budget, or remove it totally. Families will have to do without crucial services that support them. They will have to do this with no input into the decision making process. They cant take any responsibility, or owndership, for moving their communities forward through this period of extreme austerity. This process has effectively removed the ability to co produce community direction into the future.

Dictatorship, Limited information to Public! No transparency!!

No – why are they being so secretive and why is Dick allowed to treat people like this?

Keeping the council tax payers in the dark about some of the most important issues in A & B and how they are decided is bordering in tyrannical and must be stopped. Local Democracy..NOT!

outraged at the lack of democracy within A&B Council.

Not after hearing about Walsh, what’s his problem sounds like a little Hitler

Budget cuts are being made without proper consultation of elected officials, and the majority of decisions are being made behind closed doors by a small group of people who are excluding councillors and the public from any discussions and consultations. Councillors being asked to place red and green stickers next to areas to be cut does not amount to proper consultation or decision-making.

No, Not at all! – Where is the public consultation or even just openness and transparency? Why are our elected representatives not being supported (or even allowed) to make informed decisions by having the necessary information in advance of being asked to make decisions so they have time to reflect and conduct any further research or consultation they feel is necessary to effectively represent their constituents rather than making on the spot decisions with red and green stickers?

I am at a loss to understand why the Accounts Commission/Audit Scotland fail to act on this. It is abundantly clear that the processes of governance within this Council are fundamentally flawed and not in the best interests of the public they purport to serve. Why the ‘independent’ chairs of audit and scrutiny find this acceptable is worrying. Perhaps they might care to justify their stance in an open letter to the public via the local and indeed national press.

Very concerned with lack of transparency & accountability in this Council. I have no confidence at all with this Council & do not believe they have the public interest at heart.

One comment

  1. Hi. I dont know whats going on exactly in council chambers but looking at Dunoons Argyll Street, it feels like we are entering into an accelerating downward spiral and there seems to be an almost concerted effort to hang a ‘Closed’ sign over the town. We have people with some ideas but these are being blocked by the council. I now know of people whio have been here for 20 plus years, actively looking to leave Dunoon as it offers very little and now ,sadly, tourism is also being affected. Feels like Dunoon is in a managed nosedive and I dont know if anyone else feels the same way but I am really worried for the future of this once prosperous, bustling area.

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